9. Deployment Test Guide

After successful deployment of openstack, daisy4nfv use Functest to test the api of openstack. You can follow below instruction to test the successfully deployed openstack on jumperserver.

1.docker pull opnfv/functest run ‘docker images’ command to make sure have the latest functest images.

2.docker run -ti –name functest -e INSTALLER_TYPE=”daisy”-e INSTALLER_IP=”” -e NODE_NAME=”zte-vtest” -e DEPLOY_SCENARIO=”os-nosdn-nofeature-ha” -e BUILD_TAG=”jenkins-functest-daisy-virtual-daily-master-1259” -e DEPLOY_TYPE=”virt” opnfv/functest:latest /bin/bash Before run above command change below parameters: DEPLOY_SCENARIO: indicate the scenario DEPLOY_TYPE: virt/baremetal NODE_NAME: pod name INSTALLER_IP: daisy vm node ip

3.Log in the daisy vm node to get the /etc/kolla/admin-openrc.sh file, and write them in /home/opnfv/functest/conf/openstack.creds file of functest container.

4.Run command ‘functest env prepare’ to prepare the functest env.

5.Run command ‘functest testcase list’ to list all the testcase can be run.

6.Run command ‘functest testcase run testcase_name’ to run the testcase_name testcase of functest.